Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Monday... need I say more?

Monday is by far the most depressing day of the week.  It is the slam dunk back into our reality, routines and crazy life styles that we created or are trapped in.  Even for Stay at Home Moms.

For me, I get to stay home with my kids, which is a blessing and a challenge.  Mondays are especially hard because I have to clean up from the weekend, projects and tools needing to be put back, laundry that has piled up, on top of my regular house cleaning.  Not to mention I am suppose to do all of this while entertaining my children and keeping them safe (from each other.)  

It is hard to face another Monday!

So how do we break out of Monday Blues?

1- Electronics

I feel like we tend to spend our down time on electronics and screens as our way to "shut down" or "turn off our minds" but in reality it rarely pulls us up.  If we could shut off our phones or the TV, we may find it a lot easier to stay motivated and get things done.  I have been putting on music that I love and I tell myself I can only work on the dishes while this song plays.  It tricks me into getting started and makes it even easier to keep going.

It is OK to be board.  When we are board our minds become more active, creative and motivated.  We are able to find fulfillment in who we are and I truly find that I am more spiritually connected through the silence.   

2- Break Routine

This is probably the most effective way for me to beat the Monday Blues.  Even though I have so much to get done, I need to break my routine and do something fun and awesome!  It is also best if it involves being out of the house.  Let's face it, being at home is a reminder of the TO DO list we have sitting on the counter.  And the house can't get messier if you are gone.
  • Drive up in the mountains 
  • Go to a local pond or lake and turn off your phone
  • Walk around a park 
  • Walk through your neighborhood and find ways you might help someone
  • Work on a hobby 
  • Go to the library to read
  • Get together with friends
  • Sports game with friends
  • Serve someone else
3- Plan Ahead

Mondays are hard but staying up late Sunday night is not a good start for a Monday.  So plan ahead.
  • Early to bed
  • Clean house Sunday night.. I know that is lame but we don't want to be picking up yesterday's mess in the morning
  • Plan your meals for the week and a crock pot dinner helps too
  • Plan a fun activity for Monday night like movie and popcorn or board games with kids
  • Start your day right with exercise and eat a healthy breakfast
Monday wouldn't be so bad with a good night sleep, meals planned, a routine change, and a fun family activity.  This could make our whole week better.  

What do you do to beat the Monday Blues?

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